How to Solve ‘Failed to Establish Connection to the Server’? Failed To Establish Connection to the Server, Kindly Restart the Emsigner in Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Opera. Solution for Register or Digital Signature Certificate for Filling GST at
Most of us must have seen failed to establish connection to the server error while we are filing the tax returns. It is very important to file our tax returns within the time period specified by the government. We will plan everything to file returns within time period but however we get some technical issues while processing the tax returns. One of such technical issues faced by most of us is ‘failed to establish connection to the server‘. In this article lets discuss how we can overcome this technical error and proceed with filing the tax returns.

Steps to solve ‘Failed to establish connection to the server’
- In the first step all you need to uninstall the existing Emsigner and install a new Emsigner.
- Here is how you can uninstall and install new Emsigner, go to the user name which you can find at the top right corner.
- In the dropdown you can find an option named update DSC. Click on update DSC.
- A new page opens up, in the end of new page you can find ‘click here for steps to install document signer. Click on that link.
- You can see steps in the page opened, get back to before page and then click on option to download windows.
- Then a file gets downloaded, save the downloaded file to your computer.
- Click on the file that is downloaded, click on next and then click next, then you can see the file running and then once done click finish button.
- Then go my computers and right click on the downloaded file and select as administrator option.
- Open Firefox in your computer, go to options – security- exceptions- add – click allow.
- Go to start option in your computer and type CMD, a new popup opens, type as below mentioned in that popup.
- Nets’ interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=1645 listenaddress=127.0. 0.1 connectport=1585 connectaddress=127.0. 0.1
- Then open a new tab in firefox and type
- Click on advanced in the next page, click proceed and then click reload and here you go you are all set to proceed to your file the tax returns.
Keep following our page for more details and information on ‘Failed to Establish Connection to the Server’ Kindly Restart the Emsigner. Hope the article is helped you to overcome the technical issues while filing the tax returns. For more details visit the official website at
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